Table of Contents

Lesson 1: Performing Basic Linux Tasks
Lesson 2: Managing Users and Groups
Lesson 3: Managing Permissions and Ownership
Lesson 4: Managing Storage
Lesson 5: Managing Files and Directories
Lesson 6: Managing Kernel Modules
Lesson 7: Managing the Linux Boot Process
Lesson 8: Managing System Components
Lesson 9: Managing Devices
Lesson 10: Managing Networking
Lesson 11: Managing Packages and Software
Lesson 12: Securing Linux Systems
Lesson 13: Working with Bash Scripts
Lesson 14: Automating Tasks
Lesson 15: Installing Linux

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Table of Contents

Lesson 1: Performing Basic Linux Tasks

Topic A: Identify the Linux Design Philosophy Topic B: Enter Shell Commands

Topic C: Get Help with Linux


Lesson 2: Managing Users and Groups Topic A: Assume Superuser Privileges Topic B: Create, Modify, and Delete Users

Topic C: Create, Modify, and Delete Groups Topic D: Query Users and Groups

Topic E: Configure Account Profiles


Lesson 3: Managing Permissions and Ownership Topic A: Modify File and Directory Permissions Topic B: Modify File and Directory Ownership

Topic C: Configure Special Permissions and Attributes Topic D: Troubleshoot Permissions Issues


Lesson 4: Managing Storage Topic A: Create Partitions

Topic B: Manage Logical Volumes Topic C: Mount File Systems Topic D: Manage File Systems

Topic E: Navigate the Linux Directory Structure Topic F: Troubleshoot Storage Issues



Lesson 5: Managing Files and Directories Topic A: Create and Edit Text Files

Topic B: Search for Files

Topic C: Perform Operations on Files and Directories Topic D: Process Text Files

Topic E: Manipulate File Output


Lesson 6: Managing Kernel Modules Topic A: Explore the Linux Kernel

Topic B: Install and Configure Kernel Modules Topic C: Monitor Kernel Modules

Lesson 7: Managing the Linux Boot Process Topic A: Configure Linux Boot Components Topic B: Configure GRUB 2

Lesson 8: Managing System Components Topic A: Configure Localization Options Topic B: Configure GUIs

Topic C: Manage Services

Topic D: Troubleshoot Process Issues

Topic E: Troubleshoot CPU and Memory Issues


Lesson 9: Managing Devices

Topic A: Identify the Types of Linux Devices Topic B: Configure Devices

Topic C: Monitor Devices

Topic D: Troubleshoot Hardware Issues



Lesson 10: Managing Networking Topic A: Identify TCP/IP Fundamentals Topic B: Identify Linux Server Roles Topic C: Connect to a Network

Topic D: Configure DHCP and DNS Client Services

Topic E: Configure Cloud and Virtualization Technologies Topic F: Troubleshoot Networking Issues


Lesson 11: Managing Packages and Software Topic A: Identify Package Managers

Topic B: Manage RPM Packages with YUM Topic C: Manage Debian Packages with APT Topic D: Configure Repositories

Topic E: Acquire Software

Topic F: Build Software from Source Code

Topic G: Troubleshoot Software Dependency Issues


Lesson 12: Securing Linux Systems

Topic A: Implement Cybersecurity Best Practices

Topic B: Implement Identity and Access Management Methods Topic C: Configure SELinux or AppArmor

Topic D: Configure Firewalls

Topic E: Implement Logging Services Topic F: Back Up, Restore, and Verify Data


Lesson 13: Working with Bash Scripts

Topic A: Customize the Bash Shell Environment

Topic B: Identify Scripting and Programming Fundamentals Topic C: Write and Execute a Simple Bash Script

Topic D: Incorporate Control Statements in Bash Scripts




Lesson 14: Automating Tasks Topic A: Schedule Jobs

Topic B: Implement Version Control Using Git Topic C: Identify Orchestration Concepts


Lesson 15: Installing Linux

Topic A: Prepare for Linux Installation Topic B: Perform the Installation


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